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信報 Mobile 6.1.1
如果您想在開始一天的工作之前了解香港、中國及國際財經大事的脈搏,以及城中最重要的評論分析,《信報》流動版是您每天必讀。《信報》網上版訂戶更可登入《信報》流動版,瀏覽所有全文內容。《信報》流動版內容包括:〈今日信報〉* 逢星期一至六每日更新,內容分為十大類:要聞理財投資時事評論財經新聞地產市道政壇脈搏獨眼香江兩岸消息EJ Global副刊文化〈市場走勢〉提供股票即時報價、本地、中國及國際各個主要股票市場指數、外匯及黃金價格等。自選觀察名單助您追蹤多至60隻股票價格變化及其相關新聞。〈即時新聞〉24/7發布最新財經資訊。〈優雅生活〉精選《LifeStyleJournal優雅生活》內容,包括名人訪談、藝術設計、時尚潮流、鐘錶珠寶、品味生活等。另外,您可透過《信報》流動版瀏覽過去6天《信報》內容。
信通 iKNOW 2.0
"Xintong" is a teaching resource platform for professional generaleducation, life and social sciences. It must show basic knowledgeof society and current affairs, so that students can gain afoothold in Hong Kong and understand the community, country andglobal development. The professional resources are widelyrecognized by the academic circles, and they are the choice ofconfidence.
LJ Plus X ENZO 简体版
LJ Plus X ENZO Jewelry简体版《Life is Colorful 千色百度‧非凡造诣》世界之始:当有光,就有了色彩。色彩源自生命之源,也是故事的开始。ENZO作为彩色珠宝的权威品牌,得益于其Mine toMarket策略,从世界各地的不同矿场直接采购宝石,进行切割、设计及镶嵌的精细工序,确保每一件珠宝首饰均达到国际级的专业标准。
LJPlus以全方位多媒体互动形式,将每一颗五光十色的彩色珠宝呈现眼前,将ENZO一直以...来提倡的”色彩人生”概念,进一步升华,以颜色来借代多种感知,尽展彩宝的光芒。LJ (《LifeStyle Journal优雅生活》之简称)乃《信报》旗下刊物。创刊于2008年3月28日,LJ是一本以Enlightened Luxury &Lifestyle为定位的生活杂志。我们从时装、珠宝、腕表、饮食、艺术、汽车、健康、创意人物等不同范畴出发,为懂得生活的高学历、高品味、高消费精英读者探索生活启迪以至生命价值的内容。

作为LJ印刷版的延伸,LJ Plus不单继承《LifeStyleJournal》澎湃影像、深度思考的方向,更会提供独家访问/对谈的视像映片、潮流意象分析、独特跨界合作平台,并以多媒体崭新演绎,成为具收藏价值的创意媒体。Aesthetics 优雅美学
传承《LifeStyle Journal优雅生活》元素,以崭新媒介展现美学之动态。

Bespoke 定制生活
不单言之有物,被访者以物言志,以点带面,张扬个性,带出生活新哲理。Collectible 鉴宝藏珍

Desire 奢华欲望
追求顶级奢华享受从来是与生俱来的生活本能,让我们一起寻找最精致罕有的Desire ofObject。
LJ Plus 1.0.1
《LifeStyle Journal優雅生活》, also known as LJ, isabi-weekly magazine published by the Hong Kong EconomicJournal.Launched in March 2008, LJ is a showcase for enlightenedluxury andlifestyle. We cover fashion, jewelry, watches, food anddrinks,arts and culture, automobiles, health – and people. Werecognizethat educated and discerning readers with spending poweraspire tocertain things that add value and meaning to their lives.Three years on, LJ is moving into a new phase with the launchof“Tablet edition”, LJ Plus. As an extension of our print edition,LJPlus will continue to provide powerful visual images andimpactfulcontent with insight and depth. Exclusive interviews,casual andeasy conversations, analysis on trends and events andspecialprojects on our multimedia platform are just a few ofourenhancements. In short, this is new media with a certain touch–something not to be missed.Here is a snapshot of our content.AestheticsThrough our multimedia platform, we present the latest trendsandideas on fashion, jewelry, watches and automobiles in arefreshingformat, providing unmatched digital readingexperience.BespokeWe take readers through the inner world of interestingpeople,tapping into their ideas and unique insights.CollectibleWe present classic artworks in a new light, in adigital-ageshowcase, through the most exciting and innovativeonline platformof our time.DesireThe pursuit of the good life is a natural instinct. We lookforthe most sophisticated and rarest objects of desire.EdutainmentCreation & Emotion are the two words that drive dailylifemore than most. Special guest editor is invited to lead eachissueto stimulate ideas, inflame passion and generate boldandinnovative thinking.
信報•書角 2.3.3
The Hong Kong Economic Journal ‧ Book Corner is the e-book salesplatform of the Hong Kong Economic Journal. Adhering to theinsistence of the Hong Kong Economic Journal on high-qualitycontent, it not only publishes the bibliography of the EconomicJournal Series, but also collects diversified reading materials, sothat you can let you no matter where you are. Anyone can easilyenter the country of reading.
港股360 2.5.0
「港股360」重點內容包括: 一)互動圖表即時報價除了股票即時報價外,旋轉手機至橫向熒幕即顯示多功能選項,自動「趨勢線」及「蟹貨區」一目了然,助您掌握股票走勢及「睇位」,制定買入賣出策略。二)即市異動包括「20大升幅」、「20大跌幅」 、「20大成交量」、「20大成交額」排名,助您即市捕捉投資機會。三)360選股器您除可按基本或技術分析「DIY選股」外,更可以參考由《信報》投資研究部編制的「策略選股」,根據不同投資策略為您預先篩選股票清單。四)股票管理將心水股票儲存至組合,設定目標/止蝕、買入/賣出價,隨時查看組合即日/累積賺蝕表現,管理股票組合話咁易。五)港股直擊即時發布最新港股資訊,直擊大巿動向,追蹤異動股票,緊貼專家即市教路、滬/深港通新聞、企業通告和日誌等。
信報書報攤-揭頁版 1.6.0
Flip through full content of HKEJ & its subsidiary publicationsin e-book format
信報財經月刊 1.3.3
"Chinese Economic Journal" was founded in 1977 and is a publicationof "Chinese Economic Journal". Focusing on economic, political, andcultural analysis reports, each issue has in-depth special reportsand personal interviews. The authors come from all over the world,serious but not dull, in-depth but not difficult.
信報教育 1.0.4
"Chinese Journal of Education" has been adhering to the credibilityof "Chinese Journal of Financial News" since 2012, providingacademics with learning and teaching materials in differentdisciplines, and helping students achieve good results in thediploma examination.
EJ Insight 1.1
EJ Insight – Hong Kong , Greater China & World News